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Forgive a Cheater? (Part 2)

Yesterday’s post, Forgive a Cheater (Part 1) told Helen Sampson’s story of reconciling with her cheating husband, Brian. Why you should NEVER forgive a cheater by Helen Sampson (edited) Helen did. Here she explains why it was the biggest mistake of her life. The realisation almost took my breath away. Turning to kiss my husband […]

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Forgive a Cheater? (Part 1)

My Husband’s a Cheating Rascal - But His Affair SAVED Our Marriage by Angela Carless Would you take your spouse back if they had an affair - and could betrayal really make a marriage stronger - could you forgive a cheater? It’s a question Helen Sampson, 52, had to ask herself when Brian, her husband […]

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Once a Cheat Always a Cheat?

Is ‘once a cheat always a cheat’ really true? by Tracey Cox Tracey Cox helps you decide whether or not it’s time to walk away When New York mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner got caught sending explicit sex texts for a second time, his wife Huma stood by him. While some applauded Huma for standing by […]

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Affair Forgiveness

Forgiveness, With a Side of Grudge by Stephanie Anderson (edited) Have you told your cheating spouse you forgive him/her, only… you still harbor a colossal-sized grudge? It’s not unusual for an affair victim to try to rush the healing process, only to move even further apart from their spouse rather than toward reconciliation. In this […]

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Forgiving an Affair

The concept of forgiveness has become ingrained in modern western culture. It is often suggested that healing is a) necessary b) moral and c) the foundation for healing. Whilst not all share that view, it is a popular and pervasive notion that extends to a faithful partner’s ‘requirement’ to forgive a cheater. Many may find […]

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